Going for the MILLION € - at Strip and Dip Wicklow Saturday 1st October 2022 in aid of Aoibheann’s Pink Tie!




Where:                                South of Wicklow Town – a secluded beach – women only

                                           The beautiful Magheramore Beach

When:                                  Saturday 1st October 2022

Time:                                   12.00pm.

Why:                                   Fundraiser www.aoibheannspinktie.iegoing for the million!

                                            Over 1,000 women expected to attend!

Website:                              www.stripanddip.ie


Meet HQ:                            Arklow Bay Hotel – Shuttles to beach


Sea of Change Choir:       10.30am Arklow Bay Hotel – LIVE RADIO before Strip and Dip


Aoibheann’s Pink Tie:       September is World Childhood Cancer Awareness Month


Press Note:                  Due to the sensitivity of this event, and the requests of the participants, only female journalists/camera crew/photographers can have access. Please send someone and get in contact with Dee Featherstone (deefeatherstone1@gmail.com) or Aileen Eglington, AE Consulting 087 2505007/aileen.eglington@aeconsult.ie, as we need to sort out access etc. 


Press Pics                   We would ask any press who attend to respect the dignity of the participants and publish tasteful pics only!

Press Travel:              Aileen Eglington is happy to bring up to 3 journalists down to

                                    Wicklow from Dublin, on Saturday morning, early!


Official registration is now open for Strip and Dip 2022


Register                                  www.stripanddip.ie

Facebook:                             www.facebook.com/StripAndDip22


Twitter:                                  @AoibheannsPinkT


Background to the story “Going for the MILLION €” !


This is the 9th Strip and Dip to be held in Wicklow. The Strip and Dip started nine years ago after Deirdre Featherstone was undergoing treatment for breast cancer and had a brainwave after her mastectomy to do something fun – and raise money for childhood cancer! The event itself has grown from 80 women in Year 1, to 2,500 women in Year 6 – a huge achievement.   And of course achieving Status twice in the Guinness Book of World Records ( 2018 and 2021 for The Online Dip Challenge) as well as raising over €500,000 in 2018 as was a major achievement, as well as “ a bit of choral singing” aka the Sea of Change Choir who appeared we in the finals of Ireland’s Got Talent , in Brussels for World Cancer and received a standing ovation in the plenary room and also asked to represent Ireland as part of the WHO Worldwide Conference on Cervical Cancer last year.


The fund-raising has now hit over €925,000 as at end August 2022 – a huge achievement in itself and so now Dee and her crew are going for the MILLION €!   #goingforthemillion


Said founder and organiser, Dee Featherstone “There are a lot of women undertaking this who have been through cancer and of course lots of people who have been affected by it.  With laughter, scars, dodgy boobs, or in a lot of cases only one or none, we would like to send a clear message that there is life after cancer and also raising awareness of how important it is for ladies to get checked.  It’s a magical day for all involved and a closed format.  Remember, only ladies allowed! “


Over 650 are already registered to Strip and Dip this year now for the 9th  time being organised via Deirdre’s blog  www.kickingtheshiteoutofcancer.com and again this year she is raising much needed funds for Aoibheann’s Pink Tie - Ireland’s National Children’s Cancer Charity – with over €1,000,000 expected to be raised for www.aoibheannspinktie.ie. Donations would be greatly appreciated and can be made on www.idonate.ie/stripanddip   


Further information: Aileen Eglington, AE Consulting:

E: aileen.eglington@aeconsult.ie                     M: 00 353 87 2505007


Contact details:    Dee Featherstone

E: deefeatherstone1@gmail.com                    M: 00 353 87 263 7326